A teenager at last!

It seems like my daughter Reya has been a tweenager for ever! But yesterday we finally reached that great milestone of full teendom when Reya turned 13 (and finally got her own Facebook account!)

It was a pretty full on weekend.  I took her and some friends shopping in Norwich and let them get on with spending hours in the changing rooms in H&M while I wandered around (mostly aimlessly I must admit) doing my own thing and taking the odd photo. Then it was back here for home made pizza (courtesy of Geoff) and a full on evening and sleepover of films and every unhealthy drink and snack product you could think of.  The lovely green salad remained virtually untouched!

The next morning I apologised to the parents as they arrived to collect their bleary eyed, eyeliner laden girls  – then it was full steam ahead making salads, tarts and cakes for the afternoon family get together!


Debbie Harris

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