Way back in the spring my friend Tracey gave me some Jerusalem artichoke tubers – which I duly planted in out little veg patch and then forgot all about them. Later on in the summer, when what I’d assumed were sunflowers had grown to 10 feet tall, I remembered that was where I planted the tuber. As I’d never grown Jerusalem Artichokes before I did a bit of internet research and finally harvested them a couple of week’s ago once the foliage and flowers had started to die down. I was amazed at the large harvest – then came the next challenge – what to do with them! So today, again after a bit of internet research I rustled up some Jerusalem artichoke soup for lunch. I have to say they tasted like nothing quite like I’d had before – nutty, spicy and creamy all at the same time. And for information the chive garnish on the soup is from the plant in yesterday’s photo!