Dryathlon 1
Dryathlon day 31: Not long to go now!
In just over three hours the Dryathlon will be over. I’m really chuffed to have stayed the course and to have raised over my target of £200. With over 34,000 Dryathletes taking part for Cancer Research I would imagine the final total of sponsorship raised will be quite impressive. If you’ve been reading this Blog…
Read MoreDryathlon day 30: Hope for the future
I realise that some of my posts have been a bit sad and glum when talking about Cancer, so today I want to post something more positive! I decided that I would count up how many friends and colleagues that I know who are cancer survivors and I am pleased to say that there are…
Read MoreDryathlon day 29: Alex
The picture above is of me with our dear friend Alex taken just after I’d run my first ever 10k for Cancer Research back in 2005. Earlier in the year Alex lost his first wife Jenny to ovarian cancer, which gave me the impetus to train for the 10k and run in her memory. Alex…
Read MoreDryathlon day 28: A few thank yous…
Today I allowed myself to wander along the wine aisle at the supermarket checking out the latest offers. I’m sure fellow shoppers could see my eyes lighting up as I gazed wistfully at the Merlot, Chianti and Pinot Grigiot – soon they will be mine – all mine!! On a more serious note, as well…
Read MoreDryatholon day 27: Light at the end of the tunnel
After the cold, ice and snow of the last two weeks we woke up this morning to find that our white world had dispappeared and had been replaced by a green one and brilliant sunshine. Stepping outside to hang out some washing was like going out into a new season. The sun felt warm and…
Read MoreDryathlon day 26: Simples
January is always an expensive month as our car and house insurance are both due at the start of the month. That means I spend a happy few hours trawling through the various quote sites in order to get the best deals (and then having to enduring the endless sales calls that follow). This year…
Read MoreDryathlon day 25: Target reached!
I seem to have filled the gap left by alcohol with cake as January has worn on. This morning I had an impromptu coffee morning with a few friends which added over £20 to my sponsorship money. After putting a picture of my cakes up on Facebook more donations rolled in and I’m thrilled to…
Read MoreDryathlon day 24: Memories
Today was the funeral of our family friend Frank who I wrote about on 10th January after he had lost his short battle with cancer. Funerals are never easy things to go to and sadly the older one gets the more frequent they seem to be. Today’s was a sad poignant occasion but not with…
Read MoreDryathlon day 23: Cold
A thaw is meant to be coming but today this cold seemed to have penetrated deep into my bones and I just could not get warm. I took my self off for a walk first thing and enjoyed crunching though some relatively untouched snow along a little used country lane. A week ago the snow…
Read MoreDryathlon day 22: Pink fizz!
I have bounced back from feeling gloomy and under the weather yesterday and am pleased to say that today I have been positively fizzing with ideas and energy. Perhaps it’s because I have finally sorted my In Box and can see the wood for the trees or maybe that the sun came out for just…
Read MoreDryathlon day 21: Blue Monday
Today is Blue Monday and is meant to be the most depressing day of the year. According to Wikipedia this is based on the following formula: where weather=W, debt=d, time since Christmas=T, time since failing our new year’s resolutions=Q, low motivational levels=M and the feeling of a need to take action=Na As far as today…
Read MoreDryathlon day 20: Comfort food
I have been a prisoner in my own kitchen this weekend – not because anyone has forced me but with the oven on it’s the warmest place to be in this continuing cold weather! Yesterday was a baking day and between us (while putting together the Spotify Dryathlon Dance mix) my daughter and I made…
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