Dryathlon day 11: Let the endorphins flow!

Zumba class at Club La Santa 2011 – yes I’m in there somewhere!

I have been on a bit of an exercise kick this week. As well as my 2 mile morning walks I have managed to go for a run, a swim, do a yoga class and a Zumba session! Who needs alcohol when you can have all those lovely endorphins. If only I could work out a way of bottling them and selling them I’d be rich!

In case you’re interested the picture above was taken when we were on a working photographic holiday at *Club La Santa in Lanzarote. As well as shooting a huge range of different sports and classes we also got the chance to try a few out too. Would you believe that the chap taking the Zumba class (who you can see dressed in blue above) we later saw dancing at one of the evening entertainment sessions with the wife of the Former Prime Minister of Denmark who won her country’s version of Strcilty Come Dancing. It’s true honest – I haven’t touched a drop!

*You can see more photos of our stay in club La Santa on our company website here http://www.2upphotography.co.uk/2011/06/our-lanzarote-adventure-at-club-la-santa/


Debbie Harris

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