Dryathlon day 6: Back in the groove

dryathlon day 6 (2)

After being a boozy couch potato over Christmas I was back out in earnest walking the lanes this morning.  The weather was rather dull and uninspiring although it is still very mild. I took my usual route out of the village and up into Cuckoo Lane.  Once again I was disgusted by the way that some people think they can spoilt our lovely countryside by using the hedgerows and ditches as places to dump their rubbish.  One ditch had well over 50 Special Brew cans in it.  Really what is the matter with people?  Who on earth could drink that much high octane lager? Answers on a postcard please…

dryathlon day 6 (4)

dryathlon day 6 (1)
dryathlon day 6 (3)


Debbie Harris

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