Hit and miss phototography

shooting in the darkI’m counting the days to my phone upgrade as my existing one really is on it’s last legs.  It has really served me quite well over the last couple of years and I’ve taken loads of photos with it – especially when out on my morning walks.  However now the screen is virtually impossible to see in bright light which means that most of the time I have no idea what I’m taking a photo of or where the button is to take the picture!  Of course I have several proper cameras at my disposal but that sort of somehow defeats the object of the morning walk which is meant to clear my head before hours often spent in front of the computer.

Anyway these are my effort from today (with a little help from Photoshop as always).  the question is come the end of May what new phone should  I get?

Walking Carbrooke 18th April (7) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (8) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (6) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (5) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (4) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (3) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (2) Walking Carbrooke 18th April (1) Walking Carbrooke 18th April

Debbie Harris

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