That was October

October came and went so quickly – it certainly was a strange month in terms of the weather with temperatures in the 20s some days. When the sun wasn’t shining we had some amazing skies and a couple of very dramatic storms.

Last week was half term and we went on a mini road trip – I’ll be blogging more about this and my new phone (which is real step up for me in term of photo image quality) very soon!  In the meantime here is October…

That was October (1)

That was October (2)

That was October (3)

That was October (4)

That was October (5)

That was October (6)

That was October (7)


That was October (9)

That was October (10)

That was October (11)

That was October (12)

That was October (13)

That was October (14)

That was October (15)

That was October (17)


That was October (18)

That was October (19)

That was October (20)

That was October (21)

That was October (22)

That was October (23)

That was October (24)

That was October (25)

That was October (26)

That was October (27)

That was October (28)

That was October (29)

That was October (30)

That was October (31)

That was October (32)

That was October (33)

That was October (34)

That was October (35)

That was October (36)

That was October (37)

That was October (38)

That was October (39)

That was October (40)

That was October (41)

That was October (42)

That was October (43)

That was October (44)

That was October (45)

Debbie Harris

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