School’s out…

School's out (1)

When you have children there are two ends to the year – one at the end of December – following days of over indulgence – and the other sometime near the end of July when the school year comes to a close.

Nowadays we only have one of our offspring left at school as our son has just finished his first year at Uni (I say just it seems like he’s be back for months!). And as our daughter is at High school in a neighbouring town, the end of terms are just not the same as they were when the kids were at the village school.

As I have said may times before we are so lucky to live in our beautiful Norfolk village. Tonight we trod the path back to the village school and then the village green. It was a glorious golden hour (apart from the horse flies!) holding promise for a lovely few weeks of summer ahead…

School's out (2)
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Debbie Harris

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