So here we are – just over a week into the third lockdown of this hideous pandemic. We are pretty much holed up in our Norfolk home – keeping away from people as much as possible. We are in the over 60’s category (no idea how that happened!) and Geoff has had several serious health conditions over the years, so it seems like the safest thing to do. With two businesses on virtual hold as well we are filling our days with lots of exercise – a daily walk or run plus a variety of online workouts and yoga – for me that is the annual 30 Yoga journey with Adrienne.
As always I’m taking lots of photos – mostly on my phone to document daily life and I thought that it would help me keep sane to use this blog on a more regular basis to provide help and tips for surviving #lockdown3. Lets hope its the last one!!
So to kick off here are a few photos from 2021 so far and my daily tip for myself to update this Blog!!