So yesterday I was grumpy – today I am happy!
After another night of bizarre dreams I got up and did the yoga that I was supposed to do yesterday. Then I jumped on the scales to be amazed that I was nearly 3lbs lighter than the start of January. My friend Jan who lives round the corner did comment that I must have been drinking an awful lot to loose that much so quickly but I have also given up the mince pies, cheese and the chocolate Christmas life style as well.
Later in the afternoon I decided to go for a run. I’m not new to running but over the last couple of years I’ve really not been out much largely due to injury and then apathy. However today was different. I loaded up the Swedish House Mafia on my MP3 (a present from my son Tom for Christmas – what a hip mother I am!) and then I was off. OK I wasn’t quick but I managed to jog for two and a half miles with only one stop which was for a chat with another friend from the village.
And so to pizza night – traditionally every Saturday night where, along with making our pizzas from scratch, we drink a plenty of wine . I can’t say it was easy – red wine does go so well with pizza but we managed. Tom had another beer – but I coped and right now I’m still feeling happy!
Pizzas look fantastic! Well done on getting through Saturday night. I daren’t get on the scales yet as we still have a fridge full of Stilton to eat!
Thanks – and well done to you too!
The pizzas were good as always – but a glass of red would have made them even better! I will admit to a couple of Christmas chocolates afterwards and got fed with mineral water and had a low calorie hot chocolate as a night cap!