Dryathlon day 18: Cabin fever

I think I may be suffering from cabin fever.  After the jokey meths post frenzy of yesterday today I have been feeling more and more maudlin as the day has gone on. I’m fed up with the cold and realise that I have not been out of the village since Monday.  We have also lost the glorious sunshine and wonderful blue skies to greyness and gloom.  I feel almost disappointed that the predicted blizzard didn’t arrive – at least it would have made yet another day off school and college for the teenagers a bit more justified.  The highlight of my day was getting a mention in the local press (in my capacity as a Parish Councillor)  for demanding more gritting in our village.  Heady stuff…

Still it’s day 18 of the Dryathlon and I’m still holding on!  It’s even harder when there is lots of Christmas booze still left in the pantry.  I found myself sniffing a bottle of Port the other evening – desperate times indeed…..

Debbie Harris


  1. rachel ray on January 18, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    I was disappointed by the snow no-show too! Also feeling a bit odd about the whole no alcohol thing – it doesn’t seem right somehow – it fits into so many parts of what I do! I’m finding that spicy tomato juice takes the edge off my desire plus having a never ending list of jobs to do so I don’t have time to sit down! All the best for the weekend – just over a week to go.
    P.S. Making brown bread tonight! You have inspired me!

    • The Pixel Chef on January 19, 2013 at 4:22 pm

      My daughter actually said to me she would be glad when it was the 1st February then we wouldn’t be so grumpy! No sure if that is a good thing ;)!! Glad I have inspired you to make bread – I have a loaf in as I type!It’s a good way of keeping the kitchen warm….

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