That was September!
September brought us a lovely Indian summer filled with colour popping goodness!
Read MoreIt’s been a while…
…is an understatement! It’s nearly two years since I’ve posted in this poor neglected space and during that time my creativity has mostly been confined to taking photos on my iPhone (I took the plunge last year and jumped from android) and scribbling random thoughts and haikus in my morning journal. The last two years…
Read MoreThe Merz vintage fashion shoot
As I sit typing looking at the gloom of a very dismal, grey and chilly bank holiday weekend I’m reminded of how different the last one was at the end of May. It was the end of spring, the sun was warm and delicious with the promise of summer to come. Sadly that summer has…
Read MoreDance away the lockdown
A year ago today my sister and I were swanning around Kensington, visiting museums and galleries, having afternoon tea in Harrods and watching one of our teen heroes Brian Ferry perform at the Royal Albert Hall. It all seems like a million years ago now after almost a year of lockdown and virtually no social…
Read MoreI must go down to the sea again!
Here is a little photo story from last week! We finally made it to the beach and got to swim in the sea! It was one of those lovely, warm, late summer days that feel like a real bonus – particularly in these dark COVID days. Our go-to beach of choice has always been Wells,…
Read MoreNorfolk Show revisited
NORFOLK SHOW REVISITED 29th JULY 2020 NORFOLK SHOW REVISITED 29th JULY 2020 So today would have been the second day of the Norfolk Show – our county’s oldest and most wonderful show case. I have memories of the Norfolk Show going back to childhood, when we would all get days off school so that we…
Read MoreThat was July!
That was july A bit of a roller coaster month which began with a trip to Addenbrookes for Geoff to finally embark upon his treatment – we now have a radio active man in the house! It has been a tough month for him with some very unpleasant and unexpected side effects but hopefully as…
Read MoreA long weekend in Prague
A LONG WEEKEND IN PRAGUE A LONG WEEKEND IN PRAGUE At Christmas there was a great big box under the tree from our children Tom and Reya (well they are 19 and 24!). It was one of those Russian doll presents – boxes with in boxes until finally there was just an envelope. Inside the…
Read MoreThat was January 2019
Well I blinked and that was the first month of 2019 done and dusted! It was a strange month in many ways as it was our first proper taste of having an empty nest. Our son Tom moved to Bristol at the end of November last year but it wasn’t long before our daughter Reya…
Read MoreHello 2019 – better late than never!
News Years resolution 1 – stop procrastinating. Well that failed spectacularly – January 14th and I still haven’t published a single Blog post. I’ve been scribbling things down but until now nothing has made iit onto the virtual page. So here goes – hello 2019! If you look back on this Blog you will see…
Read MoreAnd so that was 2018!
AND SO THAT WAS 2018 What a year! Where do I start? As usual I have left it until the very last minute to sort photos for, and write this post, so I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves with just a brief run down of the main highlights! My son Tom graduated from…
Read MoreThat was September!
That was September! A lovely warm end of summer and start to the autumn! Lots of big changes a foot at the moment both at home and on the work front. My new yoga business has taken off like I’d never imagined and I have lots more exciting things planned in the coming months. 2up…
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